First Name
Last Name
Primary Contact's Email
Primary Contact's Phone Number
Lead Adult on Day of Program
Lead Adult Phone Number
Number of Students
Students' Grade Level
Number of Chaperones (for K-2 fieldtrips we require 1 adult per 7 students; Grades 3-12 we require 1 adult per 10 students)
Names of Teachers Attending
Name of your School
School Address
School District
Is your school Title 1?
Not Applicable
As a Title I School, you are eligible to apply for one of our Bus Grants. To qualify, you must be a Title I school within a 40-mile radius of the museum.
Total cost of bus transportation
Requested Amount
Attach Bus Company Quote (Required for Bus Grant) Acceptable file types are PDF, JPG, or PNG
How to obtain a bus quote:
Contact your school district's transportation company
Request an itemized quote for each day you plan to visit
This includes:
Mileage traveled
Amount of students
Amount of adults
Total price for the trip
Please note: We ONLY accept an itemized quote from the bus company per our charitable donations program.
If you booked more than one day, you will need to provide a separate bus quote for each day.
Mileage rate charts, invoices from the district, or other forms will not be accepted and submitting these will delay your payment.
Please write a short summary on why this bus grant is needed
Please select one of the following programs you would like your students to attend. Fieldtrips include 1 gallery lesson and 1 museum classroom lesson that are 50 minutes each. The entire experience will be approximately 2.5 hours. *Please note that fieldtrips are Tues-Friday at 10am
3rd-5th grades: The Agua Caliente and their Environment
Scaled up for grades up to 8th grade.
2st Date Choice
Special Accomodations: Please let us know how we can support your students during your visit:
(Please specify: such as 1-on-1 aides, sensory sensitivities, language accommodations, etc.)
How did you learn about our Education Program?
The below signatory warrants that he or she has the legal power, right, and authority to submit this Form on behalf of the School and School District listed above (the “School ”), and if Museum approves this School Fieldtrip Reservation, hereby binds the School to abide by and comply with Tribal law and the following provisions:
I have read and fully understand and agree with the forgoing.